Ecom Vessel

October 2022 – Re-cap

– Oct – December is when koozee sales sink… we know it happens, we have done this for two years but for some reason it still hits you hard no matter how much you plan! Many companies do a ton of business in Q4, but our big season is actually Q1,Q2,Q3 .. in which our ad agencies tell us is not as common, and actually neat that we can be most profitable during other companies off time. This is a pro because the CPC ( cost per click for PPC ads ) is typically not AS HIGH during Q1-Q3 vs Q4 for the holidays.

– We started working with a few influencers for The Decked out Factory for trailgate pads customized for tailgates, truck steps, and a few other items. We see this business going e-com ( I do, and have talked my dad and brother I think into the same thought )

– With wanting to grow e-com for DOF ( Decked Out Factory ), we just signed our our ad agency on SEO for 12 months. BIG investment, $3700 a month.. but I think we can swing it and I know how long it takes to get SEO rolling, so I do not want to wait.

– Working on getting more products on DOF site for the holidays, adding cooler tops to OSBS site so we can sell to people for xmas hopefully

October 2022 – Vegas Print Show

– The Printing United Show in Vegas was amazing! SO MANY NEW things.. and we want to buy it all ( see how much the bank gives us lol ). Business first during the day… way too much food, drinks, gambling and fun at night… But hey, you have to!

– We just wired 50% down for our new “auto screen washing machine”.. not my most exciting purchase, but was for my brother. It will take away someone powermwashing all our koozee screens out in a bay and will go into an auto machine. They have to custom make some pieces for us, adding about $7k to the cost to fit out little screens, and a few other modifications we thought would help

– The next piece we bought was a laser.. I think its like 24″x36″ or close to that size. This was MY exciting purchase.. cost us $35k in total. This will be used for tons of OSBS products! Now we just have to get the blank options coming, designs ready, and items live on the site. This only takes 4-5 weeks to come in, so we need to be ready for the January flood we typically get for wedding koozees, to hopefully upsell them on these laser engraved items. The guy at the show said a groom compnay online, has like 12 of them… goals

– The only thing we actually charged at the show was a new substrate cutter.. I personally put that one on my cc, and I will be paying it off, with a loan to the compnay for a year with a small interest percent. Since my dad has taught me to loan the money to the company if possible, and pay myself interest vs the bank. This was a $7500 piece of equipment, and will be used to cut substrates with a saw vertically in house, vs lugging them out to our wood shop outside. Again not my most exciting purchase personally, but our shop guys are PUMPED.

– The next thing we WANT but did not buy ( yet )… a new all in one flame treating cup printing press… our chinese alibaba piece of shit sucks, only my brother knows how to use it. Also, we need one that can all in one open flame treat the cups, so we can use a different ink. We talked to a guy from Italy who sells them but they are $100k, so we will have to wait until some other loans get paid off, or we have an influx of business (my GUESS is we get in the next year)

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