A Voyage Into Crazee Town USA
Captain Ashley Kirchner
Someone has to captain the vessel right? Well, if you know me you know no one else but myself will be piloting the ship. I go by Ash or Ashley. Art & creativity was my life growing up, as well as being in charge of every situation I get myself into.. I cannot help it.
Don’t let the blonde hair fool you, I am an idea filled, business motivated, entrepreneur born and raised in the flatlands and cornfields of the Midwest. Recently moved to Austin Tx to expand my work and grow as a person. Shh it actually is not known I moved, unless you read this.. congrats you know my secret.
E-commerce and all business in general is my passion and what I live for. I get thrilled and excited everyday I work on one of our many brands, expanding my knolwedge and creating the new ideas we dream up.
I have learned a lot since 2015 when I started this journey with my dad (entreprenuer in other fields), but I am still young, and have much more to learn and grow myself.. but I cannot wait. The sky really is the limit, and no one is capping me. Let’s get Crazee with it, what the hell are you waiting for.

Life In Crazee Town
Since 2021 I decided to slowly recap my past, my life growing up and most importantly our businesses, how they got started and some of our plans and goals.
I created this special timeline of a page of me jotting down my thoughts so I can look back in life 20-30 years down the line, and have my story all laid out. Honestly, this is more of a personl page for me that I really expect little to no one to read, so if you somehow happen to make it here.. well, don’t judge. My grandpa did this with a few recordings from years ago, and I thought it was super neat.
My writing is not your normal type of perfectly typed grammer, it is kind of a mess, ( like me ) add in a little sarcasm and there you have it. You’ll be able to sense the “mood” I was in, when writing some of these shorts. Based on my language, sarcasm, or # of mispelled words.
“You Only Get One Life. You Might As Well Spend It Working On Something Great.”
Life Of Ash
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Years Of Experience
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elementum mlo neque, alora too placerat iaculis nulla convallis quis spendisse commodo feugiat felis, a tincidunt augue consequat the raesent egestas lectus libero amet auctor risus tempor sit amet.
Diam in arcu cursus esmod quis viverra nibh. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a. Vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra Vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis. Risus ultris tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor. Urna cursus eget nunc scelque villora mauris in. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante alora tolda folty urban the old foys.
How Can I Help You With Your Next Adventure?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elementum mlo neque, alora too placerat iaculis nulla convallis quis spendisse commodo feugiat felis, a tincidunt augue consequat the raesent egestas lectus libero amet auctor risus tempor sit amet.
Diam in arcu cursus esmod quis viverra nibh. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a. Vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra Vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis. Risus ultris tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor cursus eget nunc scelque villo. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante alora tolda folty urban the old foys.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elementum mlo neque, alora too placerat iaculis nulla convallis quis spendisse commodo feugiat felis, a tincidunt augue consequat the raesent egestas lectus libero amet auctor risus tempor sit amet. siam in arcu cursus esmod quis viverra nibh. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a. Vel turpis nunc eget.
Lorem dolor sed viverra Vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis. Risus ultris tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor. Urna cursus eget nunc scelora aliquet risus feugiat in ante alora tolda folty urban the old foys.
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